# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
211 | Biology in the conservation of works of art | 930.102 | Book | none | 2017 | Gulia caneva / maria pia | 734 | Active | Available |
212 | جوهرة السلام اضرحة الصحابة | 930.156411 | Book | none | 1994 | خولة الحنانية | 747 | Active | Available |
213 | Porous building materials | 691 | Book | Science | 1979 | ICCROM | 607 | Active | Available |
214 | يوم مختلف | ق/ ح ن ي /ي | Book | Novels | 2007 | عائشة عودة | 758 | Active | Available |
215 | teoria e storia del restauro | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1970 | CARLO CESCHI | 620 | Active | Available |
216 | Archic Egypt | 932 | Book | History and Geography | 1961 | w.B. Emery | 495 | Active | Available |
217 | IL biodeterioramento dei beni culturali | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1994 | Giuseppe magaudda | 670 | Active | Available |
218 | La materia del restauro | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1993 | franco angeli | 642 | Active | Available |
219 | La Siria araba Da Roma a Bisanzio | 956.323 | Book | History and Geography | 1989 | RAFFAELLA F CAMPANATO | 511 | Active | Available |
220 | Grammatica italiana per stranieri | 475 | Book | Arabic | 1990 | Angelo chiuchiu / marclleo silivestrini | 703 | Active | Available |
221 | scinza E beni cultural XII.1996 | 363.69 | Book | Science | 1996 | ARACADIA RICERCHE S.R.L | 661 | Active | Available |
222 | Ricami e maioliche cenovesi del selcento a gerusalemme | 746.4 | Book | Arts | 1992 | Elena parma | 531 | Active | Available |
223 | الخدمات الكهربائية للمباني | 692.3 | Book | Science | 1996 | وزارة الاشغال | 721, 722, 723 | Active | Available |
224 | photography in archaeology and coservation | 930.1028 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1989 | peter G.Dorrell | 576 | Active | Available |
225 | petra le dit der pierres | 930.15695 | Book | none | 2017 | 741 | Active | Available | |
226 | Analisi fisiche e conservazione | 731.48 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1990 | antonietta Gallone | 602 | Active | Available |
227 | ديوان بشار بن برد | 811.5 | Book | none | 2017 | مهدي ناصر الدين | 753 | Active | Available |
228 | A.Conti Retauro | 363.69 | Book | none | 2017 | Alessandro conti | 691, 656 | Active | Available |
229 | studies on roman and islamic amman | 956.3211 | Book | History and Geography | 1992 | alastair northedge | 490 | Active | Available |
230 | دليل السياحة والسفر الكترونيا | 790.18 | Book | Tourism | 2001 | مارك اروول | 774 | Active | Available |
231 | meccanisimi e material del restauro | 751.5 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1987 | Giuseppina vigliano | 634 | Active | Available |
232 | Byzantium | 723.3 | Book | Architecture | 1994 | David rukton | 506 | Active | Available |
233 | مادبا وضواحيها | 956.321 | Book | History and Geography | 1997 | جورج سابا / روكس العزيزي | 574 | Active | Available |
234 | Introduction to conservation | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1979 | b.m.fielen | 654 | Active | Available |
235 | LARTE DI COSTRUIRE PRESSO I ROMANI | 717.45 | Book | Architecture | 1984 | Jean-pierre adam | 526 | Active | Available |
236 | القرية ما بين النمو والتخطيط | 711.58 | Book | Architecture | 1990 | معهد الاثار -جامعة اليرموك | 716 | Active | Available |
237 | معالجة وصيانة الاثار | 930 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1981 | باهرة عبد الستار القيسي | 571 | Active | Available |
238 | cleaning conservation science | 690.24 | Book | none | 2017 | emad fraij | 742, 587 | Active | Available |
239 | conservation protection presentation | 363.69 | Book | none | 2017 | ICCM | 588, 589 | Active | Available |
240 | الثقافة السياحية وبرامج تنميتها | 338.4791 | Book | Tourism | 2004 | د. هناء زهران | 842 | Active | Available |