# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
211 | strumenti e material del restauro | 745.1028 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1989 | Giorgio accardo / Giuserrina vigliano | 635 | Active | Available |
212 | spedizione sinai | 932 | Book | History and Geography | 1994 | emmanuel anati | 507 | Active | Available |
213 | Antichita e restauro nell italia del settecnto | 363.6945 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1990 | franco angeli | 650 | Active | Available |
214 | GLI ETUSCHI NUOVA IMMAGINE | 945 | Book | History and Geography | 1984 | Mauro cristofani | 518 | Active | Available |
215 | أوراق معبد الكتب | ق / غ ر ا /أ | Book | Novels | 2008 | هاشم غرايبة | 776 | Active | Available |
216 | NEFERTARI ELA VALLE DELLE REGINE | 932 | Book | History and Geography | 1993 | CHRISTIAN LEBLANC | 567 | Active | Available |
217 | مواقف جلالة الملك حسين بن طلال | 929.7 | Book | none | 2017 | نهار علي الوخيان | 699 | Active | Available |
218 | conservation on archeological excavations | 930.1028 | Book | none | 1995 | ICCROM | 583 | Active | Available |
219 | معركة اليرموك | 956.504 | Book | History and Geography | 1985 | د. يوسف الغوانمة | 718 | Active | Available |
220 | Materiali e stiutture | 691 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1995 | G.ACCARDO / E.GIANI | 609 | Active | Available |
221 | physics of restoration | 964.5 | Book | none | 2017 | Giorgio accardo | 738 | Active | Available |
222 | LA biologia nel Restauro | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1994 | G.Caneva | 630 | Active | Available |
223 | of art | 709 | Book | Arts | 1962 | H.w.Janson | 502 | Active | Available |
224 | الاسلام والفن | 214.7 | Book | Arts | 2006 | حسام الغمري | 755 | Active | Available |
225 | مدخل الى علم السياحة | 338.4791 | Book | Tourism | 2008 | أحمد ملوخية | 842 | Active | Available |
226 | fattori di deterioramento | 690.22 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1979 | istituto centrale del restauro | 663, 664 | Active | Available |
227 | L ARTE MEDIEVALE IN ITALIA | 709.45 | Book | Arts | 1988 | M.ANDOLARO | 534 | Active | Available |
228 | صيانة التراث الحضاري | 363.69 | Book | none | 1990 | المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة العلوم | 691 | Active | Available |
229 | Appropriate technologies the conservation of cultural property | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1981 | John sandy | 578 | Active | Available |
230 | Surveying for engineers | 516 | Book | Science | 1978 | J.UREN /W.F.Price | 713 | Active | Available |
231 | Materiali da construzione e techiche edili antiche | 930.1028 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1991 | luigi marino | 604 | Active | Available |
232 | القصور الصحراوية | 956.5 | Book | none | 2017 | رامي جورج خوري | 733 | Active | Available |
233 | Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d arte | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1988 | Allessandro conti | 622 | Active | Available |
234 | valley of the kings | 932 | Book | none | 2017 | John Romer | 567 | Active | Available |
235 | Techiche della conserzazione | 720.288 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1994 | Amedeo bellini | 750 | Active | Available |
236 | LّARTE DEL RESTAURO | 363.69 | Book | Arts | 1988 | Gino piva | 644 | Active | Available |
237 | statue e ritratti | 731 | Book | Arts | 1990 | Ranuccio Bianchi | 513 | Active | Available |
238 | العسل البري | ق/ ع ل ي / ع | Book | Novels | 2007 | محمد علي طه | 761 | Active | Available |
239 | stone decay and conservation | 691.2 | Book | Science | 1983 | G.G.A morso v.fassina | 20 | Active | Available |
240 | come si fa una tesi di laurea | 370.78 | Book | none | 1993 | Umberto Eco | 528 | Active | Available |