# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
271 | فن القصة القصيرة عند رجاء ابو غزالة | 813.956509 | Book | none | 2017 | علي المومني | 775 | Active | Available |
272 | Biology in the coservation of works of art | 930.102 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1991 | Giulia caneva / maria pia | 575, 581 | Active | Available |
273 | ايبيريا قبل مجيء العرب والمسلمين | 956.651 | Book | History and Geography | 1996 | د. محمد حتاملة | 697, 698 | Active | Available |
274 | mosaico E restauro musivo | 930.1028 | Book | Mosaic | 1991 | cesare fiori | 600, 601 | Active | Available |
275 | شهيرات النساء | 920.72 | Book | Novels | 1998 | خليل البدوء | 712 | Active | Available |
276 | il Recupero dei valori | 690.24 | Book | Science | 1979 | Roberto distefara | 612 | Active | Available |
277 | Madaba cultural heritage | 956.3211 | Book | History and Geography | 1996 | patricia bikai /thomas a. dolley | 489 | Active | Available |
278 | نباتات تنسيق المواقع المعمارية | 580 | Book | none | 2017 | د. كامل عودة محادين | 732 | Active | Available |
279 | IL Restauro pittorico | 751.6 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1981 | Ornella casazza | 633 | Active | Available |
280 | Islamismo | 956 | Book | History and Geography | 1997 | claudio lojacono | 505 | Active | Available |
281 | die nabataer | 930 | Book | none | 2017 | 749 | Active | Available | |
282 | Nuovi modelli pervatrate | 720.288 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1996 | BATTAGLILI.T | 653 | Active | Available |
283 | Roma cittae foro | 722.7 | Book | none | 2017 | raffaelle panella | 636, 165 | Active | Available |
284 | التسويق العقاري | 658.804 | Book | none | 2017 | د. سامر زحيمات | 766, 770 | Active | Available |
285 | The Architecture of petra | 722.2 | Book | Architecture | 1990 | Judith mckenzie | 570 | Active | Available |
286 | طرق صيانة وترميم الاثار | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1975 | عبد المعز شاهين | 690 | Active | Available |
287 | coservation of the Architectural heritage in jordan and the arab world | 690.24 | Book | none | 1993 | مؤتمر | 586, 587 | Active | Available |
288 | الأعمال المدنية والمعمارية | 692.3 | Book | Science | 1996 | وزارة الاشغال | 726, 727 | Active | Available |
289 | LA conservazione itegrata Le citta storiche deuropa | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1993 | GISEPPE C.INFANCA | 625 | Active | Available |
290 | the memorial of moses on mount nebo | 930.13211 | Book | History and Geography | 1941 | SYLVESTER J .SALLER O.F.M | 500 | Active | Available |
291 | العرب وثورة الاتصال الأولى | 930 | Book | History and Geography | 1999 | عصام موسى | 743 | Active | Available |
292 | venezia restaurata | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1988 | franco angeli | 648 | Active | Available |
293 | IL Nuovo Atlante di gaia | 912 | Book | History and Geography | 1993 | norman myers | 516 | Active | Available |
294 | فن العمارة | 724 | Book | Architecture | 2006 | أ . محمد البهنسي | 760 | Active | Available |
295 | حولية دائرة الاثار العامة | 930.105 | Book | Patrols | - | دائرة الاثار | 537, 565 | Active | Available |
296 | صيانة وترميم الاراضي الفسيفسائية | 930 | Book | none | 2017 | د. محمود عرينات | 749 | Active | Available |
297 | Biology in the conservation of works of art | 930.102 | Book | none | 2017 | Gulia caneva / maria pia | 734 | Active | Available |
298 | كراسات المعرفة والثقافة السياحية | 351.86 | Book | Tourism | 1994 | محمد أبو سماقة | 705 | Active | Available |
299 | Porous building materials | 691 | Book | Science | 1979 | ICCROM | 607 | Active | Available |
300 | معركة اليرموك | 956.504 | Book | History and Geography | 1985 | د. يوسف الغوانمة | 718 | Active | Available |