# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
241 | مدخل الى علم السياحة | 338.4791 | Book | Tourism | 2008 | أحمد ملوخية | 842 | Active | Available |
242 | Porous building materials | 691 | Book | Science | 1979 | ICCROM | 607 | Active | Available |
243 | صيانة التراث الحضاري | 363.69 | Book | none | 1990 | المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة العلوم | 691 | Active | Available |
244 | LA conservazione itegrata Le citta storiche deuropa | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1993 | GISEPPE C.INFANCA | 625 | Active | Available |
245 | the memorial of moses on mount nebo | 930.13211 | Book | History and Geography | 1941 | SYLVESTER J .SALLER O.F.M | 500 | Active | Available |
246 | Surveying for engineers | 516 | Book | Science | 1978 | J.UREN /W.F.Price | 713 | Active | Available |
247 | venezia restaurata | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1988 | franco angeli | 648 | Active | Available |
248 | IL Nuovo Atlante di gaia | 912 | Book | History and Geography | 1993 | norman myers | 516 | Active | Available |
249 | القصور الصحراوية | 956.5 | Book | none | 2017 | رامي جورج خوري | 733 | Active | Available |
250 | حولية دائرة الاثار العامة | 930.105 | Book | Patrols | - | دائرة الاثار | 537, 565 | Active | Available |
251 | Techiche della conserzazione | 720.288 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1994 | Amedeo bellini | 750 | Active | Available |
252 | العسل البري | ق/ ع ل ي / ع | Book | Novels | 2007 | محمد علي طه | 761 | Active | Available |
253 | Analisi fisiche e conservazione | 731.48 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1990 | antonietta Gallone | 602 | Active | Available |
254 | studi per l ecologia del quaternario | 552.06 | Book | Science | 1979-1992 | edoardo borzatti | 673, 686 | Active | Available |
255 | teoria e storia del restauro | 690.24 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1970 | CARLO CESCHI | 620 | Active | Available |
256 | Archic Egypt | 932 | Book | History and Geography | 1961 | w.B. Emery | 495 | Active | Available |
257 | مشروع توثيق القرية الاردنية | 390.08 | Book | none | 2017 | د. رسلان بني ياسن | 707 | Active | Available |
258 | La materia del restauro | 363.69 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1993 | franco angeli | 642 | Active | Available |
259 | La Siria araba Da Roma a Bisanzio | 956.323 | Book | History and Geography | 1989 | RAFFAELLA F CAMPANATO | 511 | Active | Available |
260 | القدس من منظور اسرائيلي | 327.16 | Book | History and Geography | 1999 | عبد الله كنعان | 728 | Active | Available |
261 | scinza E beni cultural XII.1996 | 363.69 | Book | Science | 1996 | ARACADIA RICERCHE S.R.L | 661 | Active | Available |
262 | Ricami e maioliche cenovesi del selcento a gerusalemme | 746.4 | Book | Arts | 1992 | Elena parma | 531 | Active | Available |
263 | حولية ذائرة الاثار 1994-2001 | 930.105 | Book | none | 2017 | دائرة الاثار | 752, 745 | Active | Available |
264 | photography in archaeology and coservation | 930.1028 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1989 | peter G.Dorrell | 576 | Active | Available |
265 | conservation protection presentation | 363.69 | Book | none | 2017 | ICCM | 588, 589 | Active | Available |
266 | A.Conti Retauro | 363.69 | Book | none | 2017 | Alessandro conti | 691, 656 | Active | Available |
267 | studies on roman and islamic amman | 956.3211 | Book | History and Geography | 1992 | alastair northedge | 490 | Active | Available |
268 | أيام الورد | 811.9565 | Book | Novels | 0 | موسى الازعري | 700 | Active | Available |
269 | meccanisimi e material del restauro | 751.5 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1987 | Giuseppina vigliano | 634 | Active | Available |
270 | Byzantium | 723.3 | Book | Architecture | 1994 | David rukton | 506 | Active | Available |