# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
511 | Ravenna | 738.545 | Book | Arts | 1987 | waldimiro bendazzi | 239 | Active | Available |
512 | Islam | 723.1567 | Book | Architecture | 1996 | henri stierlin | 473 | Active | Available |
513 | الحضارة الاوربية في القرون الوسطى وعر النهضة | 959.107 | Book | History and Geography | 1952 | فرديناند شيقل | 444 | Active | Available |
514 | المعجم الوسيط | 413 | Book | Dictionaries | 1960 | ابراهيم مصطفى | 258, 259 | Active | Available |
515 | Techniques of archaeology excavation | 930.102 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1977 | philip barker | 390 | Active | Available |
516 | Inroduzione ALLArcheologia dei paesaggi | 930.1 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1994 | francon cambi / nicola terrenato | 406 | Active | Available |
517 | Geotecnica etecnica delle fondazion | 690.22 | Book | none | 2017 | carlo cestelli | 663, 664 | Active | Available |
518 | mosaics no 1 | 738.5 | Book | none | 2017 | 281, 243 | Active | Available | |
519 | pilgrims and sultans | 297.55 | Book | Religions | 1990 | syriya farogi | 468 | Active | Available |
520 | هوميروس الاوذيسة | ق/خ ال / ه | Book | Novels | 1983 | عنبرة سلام الخالدي | 439 | Active | Available |
521 | I mosaico di marco | 729.745 | Book | Mosaic | 1986 | Bruno betoli | 251 | Active | Available |
522 | Alexander the great the heroic ideal | 929.7 | Book | History and Geography | 1987 | PIERRE BRIANT | 485 | Active | Available |
523 | oxford advanced leaners | 21.03 | Book | Dictionaries | 1989 | A P cowie | 271 | Active | Available |
524 | دراسات في تاريخ واثار الاردن | 930.103 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1987 | دائرة الاثار | 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355 | Active | Available |
525 | introduzione all archeolgia | 930.1 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1976 | ranuccio bianchi | 401 | Active | Available |
526 | Economia del patrimonio | 690.27 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1993 | Francesco rizzo | 417 | Active | Available |
527 | The nabataens -their history culture and archaeology | 956.16 | Book | History and Geography | 1973 | philip c.hammond | 463 | Active | Available |
528 | المسجد في الاسلام | 214.1 | Book | Religions | 1988 | الشيخ طه الولي | 433 | Active | Available |
529 | mosaiques A S. Vitale | 738.5 | Book | Mosaic | 1992 | Anna maria | 246 | Active | Available |
530 | high above jordan | 930.1569 | Book | History and Geography | 1989 | JANE TAYLOR | 479 | Active | Available |
531 | تاريخ الاسلام جزء 2 | 956 | Book | History and Geography | 1953 | د. حسن ابراهيم حسن | 450 | Active | Available |
532 | قاموس الجيولوجيا المصور | 551.03 | Book | Dictionaries | 1984 | الك واط | 265, 266 | Active | Available |
533 | موسوعة تاريخ اوروبا | 980.03 | Book | Dictionaries | 1995 | فرنسوا جورج / رولان | 277, 278, 279 | Active | Available |
534 | chritian archaeology in the holy land | 930.15694 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1990 | G.C.Bottini | 396 | Active | Available |
535 | Archaeomtry | 930.1028 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1987 | ulrich leute | 412 | Active | Available |
536 | The noble sancturay | 726.2 | Book | Arts | 1972 | Alistair duncan | 458 | Active | Available |
537 | تاريخ الفن عند العرب والمسلمين | 709.02 | Book | Arts | 1989 | أنور الرفاعي | 428 | Active | Available |
538 | mosaici altoadiriatici | 738.545 | Book | Mosaic | 1985 | mario lapuuci | 240 | Active | Available |
539 | The oxford history of the classical world | 938 | Book | Dictionaries | 1986 | jhon boardman | 474 | Active | Available |
540 | عبقرية الحضارة العربية | 956 | Book | History and Geography | 1978 | جون . س . بادو واخرون | 445 | Active | Available |