# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
541 | dictionary of art and artists | 927.03 | Book | Dictionaries | 1990 | jan chilvers | 267 | Active | Available |
542 | Pears cyclopaedia 97th edition | 903 | Book | Dictionaries | 1995-1996 | christopher cook | 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 | Active | Available |
543 | virtnal archaeology | 745.1 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1997 | colin renfrew | 397 | Active | Available |
544 | LE PIETRE DI VENEZIA | 731 | Book | none | 2017 | John Ruskin | 513 | Active | Available |
545 | GUIDE DAPAMEE | 930.35691 | Book | Conservation and restoration | 1981 | JEAN Balty | 413 | Active | Available |
546 | umm al-rasas mayfaah | 930.9565 | Book | History and Geography | 1994 | michele piccirillo | 476 | Active | Available |
547 | العثمانيون في التاريخ والحضارة | 956.08 | Book | General culture | 1989 | د. محمد حرب | 429 | Active | Available |
548 | Gliu ccelli nel mosaici | 729.7 | Book | Mosaic | 1997 | Azelio ortali | 241 | Active | 0Reserve |
549 | تاريخ العرب قبل الاسلام | 956.1 | Book | History and Geography | 1975 | د. سعد زغلول | 446 | Active | Available |
550 | the oxford english - arabic | 400.121 | Book | Dictionaries | 1972 | m.s.doniach | 261 | Active | Available |
551 | فنون الشرق في العصور الوسطى | 708.956 | Book | Arts | - | نعمت علام | 134 | Active | Available |
552 | Ashort account of rarly muslim architecture | 723.1 | Book | Architecture | 1989 | james w allan | 46 | Active | Available |
553 | Arte e cultura della mantazione | 720.288 | Book | Arts | 1990 | Paolo marconi | 188 | Active | Available |
554 | Art past Art present | 709 | Book | Arts | 1990 | DAVD WILKINS/BERNARD SCHUL TZ | 151 | Active | Available |
555 | Technical drawing | 604.24 | Book | Arts | 1980 | D.E.magnire | 62 | Active | Available |
556 | حرفة التعليم | 370.7 | Book | General culture | 1986 | كنيث ابل | 210 | Active | Available |
557 | hindu art | 709.54 | Book | Arts | 1992 | t.richard bluton | 171 | Active | Available |
558 | European mythology | 398.234 | Book | General culture | 1987 | Jacqneline simpson | 80 | Active | Available |
559 | soils and chemical weathring | 551.305 | Book | Science | 1991 | Daniel B.Nahon | 97, 98 | Active | Available |
560 | antique maps | 912.3 | Book | History and Geography | 1983 | bannister | 13 | Active | Available |
561 | The crafts of jordan | 745.5321 | Book | Arts | 1989 | mey abu hamdan | 117 | Active | Available |
562 | المعماريون العرب | 720.962 | Book | Architecture | - | حسن فتحي | 29 | Active | Available |
563 | women artists | 743.42 | Book | Arts | - | - | 183 | Active | Available |
564 | الفن الاسلامي (قراءة تأملية في فلسفته وخصائصه الجمالية ) | 700.956 | Book | Arts | 1988 | سمير الصايغ | 146 | Active | Available |
565 | التصميمات الزخرفية الملونة | 745.7 | Book | Arts | - | اسامة النحاس | 57 | Active | Available |
566 | ثمار الصناعة في علم العربية | 415 | Book | none | 2017 | ابي عبد الله الحسين موسى | 205 | Active | Available |
567 | arts and archetictureb in early | 709.023 | Book | Architecture | 1966 | Jone white | 166 | Active | Available |
568 | middle eastern mythology | 398.2356 | Book | General culture | 1963 | S.H.Hooke | 73 | Active | Available |
569 | الموارد الصلبة للطاقة | 553 | Book | Science | 1981 | المنظمة العربية للبترول المعدنية | 92 | Active | Available |
570 | تشخيص المركبات العضوية | 547.03 | Book | Science | 1992 | نيكولاس / انتريكن | 8 | Active | Available |