# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
691 | Roman Myths | 398.498 | Book | General culture | 1993 | Jane F.Gardner | 76 | Active | Available |
692 | I colori de cli Antichi | 759.01 | Book | Arts | 1995 | luciano colombo | 189 | Active | Available |
693 | climate , history and the modern world | 551.05 | Book | History and Geography | 1982 | H.H lamb | 95 | Active | Available |
694 | lezioni di geologia stratirafica | 551.145 | Book | Science | 1984 | bruno accordi | 11 | Active | Available |
695 | الموقد واللهب | 928.1 | Book | History and Geography | 1994 | محمد القيسي | 211 | Active | Available |
696 | crusader castles | 722 | Book | Architecture | 1992 | T.E. lawrence | 114 | Active | Available |
697 | العمارة العربية الاسلامية ( الخصائص التخطيطية للمقرنصات ) | 723.1 | Book | Architecture | 1994 | د.كامل حيدر | 27 | Active | Available |
698 | الفنون الاسلامية مبادئ والأشكال والمضامين المشتركة | 700.956 | Book | Arts | 1989 | أحمد محمد عيسى /تحسين اوغلي | 132 | Active | Available |
699 | Arcitecture of the islamic world | 723.1 | Book | Architecture | 1978 | Ernst j. Grube .james dickie | 44 | Active | Available |
700 | تكنولوجيا فن الزجاج | 729.8 | Book | none | 2017 | د. محمد زينهم | 844 | Active | Available |
701 | Architctural drafting and design | 720.28.4 | Book | Architecture | 1989 | Ernest R.weidnass | 55 | Active | Available |
702 | roma la fine dell arte antica | 700.37 | Book | Arts | 1970 | andre malraux | 162 | Active | Available |
703 | central asian painting from afghanitan to sinkiang | 741.9958 | Book | Arts | 1978 | mario bussagl | 71 | Active | Available |
704 | Jain art from india | 700.34 | Book | Arts | 1994 | PRATAPADITYA PAL | 184 | Active | Available |
705 | الآصرة الكيميائية | 540 | Book | Science | 1983 | ميريل وكيتل وتيدر | 89 | Active | Available |
706 | جيولوجيا المحاجر | 553.8 | Book | Science | 1994 | نور الدين زكي محمد | 5 | Active | Available |
707 | فن الممثل والمخرج | 792.023 | Book | Arts | 1996 | بوريس زاخوفا | 206 | Active | Available |
708 | المدن التأريخية وسبل الحفاظ عليها | 720.284 | Book | History and Geography | 1985 | توسلاف مارا سوفيح | 107, 108 | Active | Available |
709 | POURS BUILDING MATERIALS | 720.688 | Book | Architecture | 1988 | giorgio torraca | 22 | Active | Available |
710 | Every day life throught the ages | 930 | Book | History and Geography | 1992 | Michael worth | 126 | Active | Available |
711 | ottoman tururkey | 723.1561 | Book | Architecture | 1977 | godfrey goodwin | 39 | Active | Available |
712 | the stave church paintings | 743.481 | Book | Architecture | 1965 | martin blindheim | 155, 156 | Active | Available |
713 | Painting and drawing acomplete art cours | 741 | Book | Arts | 1995 | Tomrobb | 66 | Active | Available |
714 | Indian art | 700.954 | Book | Arts | 1976 | Roy c.craven | 179 | Active | Available |
715 | Modelli per decorare liberty | 758.5 | Book | Arts | 1997 | Teodorico battaglini | 84 | Active | Available |
716 | manual di relevamento architettonico e | 711.42 | Book | Architecture | 1994 | mario docci | 197 | Active | Available |
717 | pollution : ecology and biotreatment | 628.5 | Book | Science | 1993 | sharron McEldowney | 102 | Active | Available |
718 | mineralogia | 549 | Book | Science | 1986 | GIUNTI | 17 | Active | Available |
719 | Greek mosaics | 723.509495 | Book | none | 2017 | Andre grabar | 223, 224 | Active | Available |
720 | Enganved gems and sealsfrom two collections in jerusalem | 737.6 | Book | Arts | 1993 | shua amorai-stark | 121 | Active | Available |