# | Book Name | Dewey | Section | Category | Pub. Year | Author | Serial Number | Status | Availablity |
661 | Geology of jordan | 555.6958 | Book | Science | 1991 | geoth - institue amman / hinrich | 21 | Active | Available |
662 | Bisanzio | 741.923 | Book | Architecture | 1964 | Andre grabar | 191 | Active | Available |
663 | صورة المرأه في الرواية الاردنية | 813.9287 | Book | Novels | 1995 | أروى عبيدات | 208 | Active | Available |
664 | الفنون الزخرفية الاسلامية في مصر قبل الفاطميين | 745.0962 | Book | Arts | 1974 | د. محمد مرزوق | 137 | Active | Available |
665 | architecutra gli stili | 723 | Book | Architecture | 1996 | Chiappinelli.M | 49 | Active | Available |
666 | the complete tutanlchamun | 930.162 | Book | History and Geography | 1990 | nichlas reeves | 154 | Active | Available |
667 | Carolingain painting | 741 | Book | Arts | 1977 | Florentine | 65 | Active | Available |
668 | Arte del colore | 752 | Book | Arts | 1961 | Johannes itten | 83 | Active | Available |
669 | Botanica | 581 | Book | Science | 1986 | Jose maria thomas | 101 | Active | Available |
670 | valcanoes fire the earth | 551.21 | Book | Science | 1991 | libraria , trieste | 16 | Active | Available |
671 | The arts and crafts of syria | 745 | Book | Arts | 1992 | johnnes kalter | 186 | Active | Available |
672 | monuments of syria an historical gaid | 956.323 | Book | History and Geography | 1992 | ross burns | 120 | Active | Available |
673 | كنيسة البصيلة الثانية [ب] دراسة تحليلية معمارية فنية مقارنة | 723.3569 | Book | Architecture | 1992 | محمود شحادة | 33 | Active | Available |
674 | الاستشعار عن بعد الجزء الثاني | 621.380423 | Book | Science | 1995 | د. سراج محمد | 199 | Active | Available |
675 | الفنون الاسلامية مبادئ والأشكال والمضامين المشتركة | 700.956 | Book | Arts | 1989 | أحمد محمد عيسى /تحسين اوغلي | 132 | Active | Available |
676 | Arcitecture of the islamic world | 723.1 | Book | Architecture | 1978 | Ernst j. Grube .james dickie | 44 | Active | Available |
677 | mosaic floors in cyprus | 729.75645 | Book | none | 2017 | raffaella farioli | 227 | Active | Available |
678 | The art of jordan | 709.5695 | Book | Arts | 1991 | piotr bienkowski | 149 | Active | Available |
679 | Engeneering draing with cad applications | 604.24 | Book | Architecture | 1989 | Edward arnold | 60 | Active | Available |
680 | roman art and architecture | 722.7 | Book | none | 1964 | mortimer wheeler | 169 | Active | Available |
681 | Roman Myths | 398.498 | Book | General culture | 1993 | Jane F.Gardner | 76 | Active | Available |
682 | climate , history and the modern world | 551.05 | Book | History and Geography | 1982 | H.H lamb | 95 | Active | Available |
683 | lezioni di geologia stratirafica | 551.145 | Book | Science | 1984 | bruno accordi | 11 | Active | Available |
684 | Vita italiana | 705.5 | Book | Arts | 1953 | Alfonso vittorio | 181 | Active | Available |
685 | crusader castles | 722 | Book | Architecture | 1992 | T.E. lawrence | 114 | Active | Available |
686 | العمارة العربية الاسلامية ( الخصائص التخطيطية للمقرنصات ) | 723.1 | Book | Architecture | 1994 | د.كامل حيدر | 27 | Active | Available |
687 | Every day life throught the ages | 930 | Book | History and Geography | 1992 | Michael worth | 126 | Active | Available |
688 | ottoman tururkey | 723.1561 | Book | Architecture | 1977 | godfrey goodwin | 39 | Active | Available |
689 | chiese e mosaicdi madaba | 956.5141 | Book | Mosaic | 1989 | michele piccirillo | 216 | Active | Available |
690 | تكنولوجيا فن الزجاج | 729.8 | Book | none | 2017 | د. محمد زينهم | 844 | Active | Available |